E.R. Moore Termite and Pest Control
Ernie Moore is a Tehachapi resident with more than 41 years in the Pest Control profession. Ernie offers dependable service with a virtually unlimited list of capabilities relating to local Pest Control Services. E.R. Moore assists Home and Business Owners and has worked for many years for Real Estate Agents in transactions requiring proper inspections and completions for Escrow.

E.R. MOORE'S INSPECTION REPORT reflects a complete & thorough inspection of the home and out-buildings with a detailed written report on areas inspected, evidence found of any termite activity, fungus or dryrot.

TREATMENT around the perimeter and sub-floor of a Home is typically performed to eradicate termites or other pests attempting to gain entry into the building through a treated soil area. Methods of safety and effectiveness are deployed.

Regular FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS are essential and should be carried out at least every 3 to 6 months where signs of termite or other pest activity has been located in the vicinity of vulnerable areas of any home.

Call (661) 823-9970 or email today to set an appointment! Email is: ERPest@bak.rr.com